Master The Universe

  • Get Answers

    Have you ever asked yourself, 'Why is this happening to me again?" This course will give you the answers. The laws are always in effect and every action you take creates an effect in the world. So, if you don't like the effects in your life, aligning with the Universal laws can help change it.

  • Become More Abundant

    This class will teach you specific laws that affect your level of prosperity. This courses introduces several exercises you can do to increase your wealth and abundance in all areas of life. Living in accordance with the Laws of Prosperity has the potential to create win-win situations for all.

  • Live the Life of Your Dreams

    Have you ever wondered why certain people seem to be able to attract their desires easily? You have this ability when you understand and use the Law of Prosperity and the Law of Attraction. You will learn how to stop attracting what you don't want and flip the switch to attract what you do want.

  • Master Your Mind

    Reprogram your mind so that it becomes your servant rather than your master. You can become more powerful when you know and understand how the laws work . This course will show you the Truth about your existence, and explains the parallels between the laws and the 12 zodiacal signs. Wielding the spiritual laws is the key to soul evolution.

Course curriculum

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Life is Not A Spectator Sport. Join in and Play the Game!

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