Rock Your Year with Guidance from the Planets and Numbers

  • Learn How Transiting Planets will Affect You

    We will explore where Jupiter falls on your chart so you can take advantage of the abundance and opportunities it offers. Learn your Saturn transit so you can prepare for the challenges. We will look at Uranus and Pluto to see where you will experience change and growth.

  • What's your Lucky Number?

    You will learn how to calculate various numbers for the year, down to the month and day for the entire year. These numbers will serve as a guide to help you know when to take action and when to wait.

  • How will the Moon Cycles Affect You?

    The Moon has a powerful effect on our emotions, so we can get a handle on emotional issues with insights about their phases. You will learn about significant lunar eclipses affecting your chart, full Moons, new Moons, and transiting Nodes of the Moon.

  • Know when to Slow Down with Retrogrades

    Avoid communication mishaps by learning when the planet Mercury goes retrograde. We will also explore the meaning of Venus and Mars retrogrades and how to use these periods to enhance your relationships.

Class Benefits

  • Discover where your opportunities lie in 2022, and the best way to take advantage of them

  • Pinpoint potential challenges and restrictions, and the way out of tough situations!

  • Learn where changes and disruptions are most likely to occur, and the message they hold for you.

  • Receive specific dates when communication setbacks are likely and emotional energy is heightened so you can plan important events without disruption

I'm Ready to Make the Most of 2022!


Karen Marie


Karen Marie

Kathryn Andries has done my natal chart and also my future astrology chart for years. I have taken a couple of her future astrology classes. She is absolutely wonderful. The information in the charts is spot on. She provides insight into one's life purpose and various life lessons. I appreciate all the options she provides in addressing life events and/or issues. I have learned a lot from Kathryn and I am sure I will continue to learn from her as I review all the information she provided. She definitely knows the material. She even presents what is happening globally from an astrological perspective.