Dream Course Highlights

  • Enhance Dream Recall

    Learn simple tips and strategies to easily remember our dreams. We dream every night, but many things get in the way of us remembering them. From dietary suggestions, to relaxation exercises and essential oils, there are effective methods for everyone. These techniques will help us sleep better too!

  • Meet the Strangers in our Dreams

    From parents to siblings, unknown people and celebrities, they all reveal a part of ourselves. This course helps us understand why certain people appear in our dream, and how we can improve our relationship with them. You'll never look at anyone the same again!

  • Get New Ideas from your Dreams

    Get inspired by famous people such as Paul McCartney, Albert Einstein and Stephen King, who used their dreams to create amazing things. We can tap the insights offered in dreams to invent something new, improve our grades, or find the solution to a problem.

  • Learn to Speak the Language of Dreams

    Discover the Language of Mind! When we understand how our mind communicates to us, decoding dream symbols is Easy Peasy! Next we'll learn to put the symbols together to see the dream message. Soon we'll be proficient in speaking the language of dreams.

Course curriculum

A one time cost to receive a lifetime of Dreams for Free!


Have more fun sleeping when you learn to interpret your dreams!

  • Grow in self-awareness. Our dreams tell a story about us..

  • Sleep better. The strategies to help us recall our dreams will also help us have a more peaceful sleep.

  • Increase our self-esteem. We will appreciate ourselves more as we experience our true self in dreams.

  • Become the life of the party! Our expert interpretation skills will allow us to help others reveal the meaning of their dreams.